What do we mean by Health?

  • By Ana Cecilia Tobón
  • 27 Oct, 2016

What do we mean by Health

According to the World Health Organization WHO in 1946: "Health is a complete state of well-being, physical, mental and social and not merely the absence of disease or disability." Mental Health is "The ability to adapt to the social environment and achieve satisfaction for themselves and their peers. 

How do we achieve this state of physical, mental and social well-being? I think that for that ideal state of health several factors are needed.

Physical well-being depends on a balanced diet and proper physical exercise.  

Mental well-being depends on the ability to adapt to the different stages and changes that life brings us and that are part of living. Know how to change what we can, and accept what we can not change And have the wisdom to know the difference, as the beautiful prayer of alcoholics says: Give me Lord the strength to change the things I can change, the courage to accept, which I can not change and the wisdom to know the difference.

Social welfare is when we are in harmony with the environment, with the people around us, in the family, school work, among others, which in turn depends on our ability to adapt and in large part on ourselves.  

If we have mental, physical and social health we are happy, because health and happiness definitely go hand in hand. 

On the physical plane then, the first thing is to KNOW FOOD. For this we have to know the different food groups, which provide us with the necessary nutrients to maintain our physical body. We need: Water, proteins, fats, carbohydrates (they include flours and sugars), vitamins and minerals. 

This seems very easy and we all know, what we seem to forget is that we must maintain a balance between these different groups, and generally we go hand in the proteins and fats, not forgetting the sugars that we need in very small quantities, is what more consumerism, without taking into account that what is so "sweet and pleasant", is what causes us major problems because we greatly exceed the quantities required. 

Our body is composed of 75% water, which is why it is the most important. In recent years there has been a lot of emphasis on the importance of drinking pure water, that is, simple water, not soda, coffee, sugary juice, etc. They recommend 8 glasses of water daily, for some it is not easy to take this amount. I believe that everyone knows their needs in this element and their body is asking for the amount they need.

The other part that we often forget, are Vitamins and Minerals, These are found in fruits and vegetables, vegetables in general and not always included in the proportion that we require, because as I said before, we spent on carbohydrates and proteins and sometimes fats and we forget about vegetables, which is where we find those necessary elements such as calcium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, iron, the latter is part of the hemoglobin of the blood. other called trace elements, which are needed in smaller quantities, such as Molybdenum, Selenium, Sulfur, Vanadium.

A good diet, that is, a complete diet, should therefore be constituted by: Proteins, which are found mainly in meat and fish, eggs and dairy products, but also in legumes, such as beans, soybeans and chickpeas; many others in this family. And we must also bear in mind that meat, fish and dairy products, with the treatments they give to these animals in order to obtain higher production and higher profits, no longer, are as healthy as they were years ago. Nowadays, animals are treated in an inhuman way, which causes them suffering that leaves its mark on their flesh and their products. They are treated with hormones and other products to increase their production, with the harmful consequences for human health.

The Universe is all interconnected and we depend closely on each other, so we have to learn to live in harmony with nature, as our ancestors did, which has been forgotten in modern life with the consequences we are witnessing, of environmental destruction and detriment to our health.

In conclusion to have health we have to have HARMONY, in the physical, mental, social and spiritual, with ourselves and with the environment. And do not forget that we are spirits, occupying a vehicle that we call body, and that our happiness depends on keeping this vehicle happy and healthy.

By Elsa Galán December 28, 2018

An unforgettable reunion of generations, on December 15, 2018, with the theater play, directed and adapted by Alexandra Montealegre, "Esperando la Carroza" and the presentation of the musical group under the direction of Freddy Salinas "Music unites us" in the Noel Ryan auditorium of the Mississauga Central Library.

With the opening of the master of ceremonies, Sandra Riaño, at 2:45 p.m., the program officially begins. Sandra, on behalf of Alce Art and Health, explained the reason for the organization of this meeting and pointed out how Alce, since its creation, has sought to generate healthy lifestyles and unite the generations through art and health. He thanked the sponsors of the event: Party Kidz Ready 4 Fun, Grafika 360 Solutions Inc, Edna Luque Insurance Broker, Caribe Autotech, IGO OPTICAL, Desjardins Insurance Jose Bustillos, Isabel Cuellar Dignity, Carlo Guzman, Beta Electric, Life The Art of Living Well , Vicky Chiappari, Sandra Riano, Spanish in Canada Learn Spanish Fast, to the volunteers, to the community in general and to all those who have supported the organization in this initiative to collect funds for the programs.

The group "La Musica us Une" integrated by Freddy Salinas, director, Carla Gonzalez, singer, guitarists: Diego C, Silvia D, Mercedes Vargas, Marilse Sookor and Elsa Galan, Drummer: Greg Noguera, delighted the audience with the message of the beautiful song called "Eternal Love."

Later on the stage the work Esperando la Carroza was developed with the participation of the different actors representing Mama Cora and Elvira, Vicky Chiappari; to Susana, Carla Gonzalez; Sergio, Guillermo Gutierrez; Antonio, Raúl Pinto; to the cousin Felipe, Jaime Alba; to Dominga, Lucia Andrade; to Matilde, Sol Villegas, to Nora, Verónica de Gutierrez; to Mrs. Elisa, Marleny Montoya and the boy from the florist's shop, Martin Gutierrez. The work with drama and humor pointed out the reality of the life cycle of a family with its strengths and weaknesses and in which the grandmother becomes a problem for her children and they do not know what to do with her. Frequent reality that many older adults live in our society.

He finished the work with all the actors and the audience, to this meeting of generations, singing "Colors of Hope" by Diego Torres, and uniting hope, love and life in one voice.

By Elsa Galán October 1, 2018
On September 24 at 1 pm we celebrated, in memory of our loved ones, the Third Day of "Sowing Trees for Life". Mackenzie Park, along with Joe and Jessica from the city of Mississauga, were ready to welcome us with 100 beautiful trees to be planted.
By Elsa Galán May 26, 2018
With nature as an ally, by giving us a beautiful day, came the date of the second day of "Planting trees for life." The selected site was Mackenzie Park, located in the city of Mississauga. The place facilitated the access of the majority of the people in the senior group of the ALCE Art and Health program "Por una Vida Plena", as well as those of the Casa de los Abuelos, Las Lectoras, the Bethel group and friends and relatives called to this activity, and those who have joined our initiative to join efforts to protect the environment, leave a legacy and support the goal that the city of Mississauga has to plant a million trees before 2030. 

All participants were very enthusiastic coming to the place, and we started very punctual at 10 am with the explanation of Jerry and Ben, who explained the correct way to plant a tree. 

Live and live we saw the equipment that was required: gloves, shovel, plant to sow, and pieces of wood to be placed around after sown. We saw how to make the hole, how to take the plant out of the plant to plant it, how to place the extracted earth in the spaces around the plant and the importance of making a ring around it with the pieces of wood and free close to the trunk from the tree so he can breathe. 

 100 small trees were waiting for us to be planted and together we managed to do it in the programmed space of 2 hours. We laughed, we took pictures, we sang, the arms and hands worked hard, we got hot, the sweat ran through the faces of the participants, we hydrated ourselves with a delight of water, in short, we enjoyed every moment. 

 At the end of the day we made a circle and holding hands gave thanks to all who participated in this "Second day of planting trees for life" and asked the Creator from the bottom of our hearts to bless every tree planted so that I grew up healthy and strong. 

On Saturday, September 15 of this year, we will hold the third Sowing Trees for Life Seminar. We invite you to participate.

By Elsa Galán October 2, 2017
At different ages we all have a great love for music, because from the womb we begin to listen to it with the sound of our mother's heartbeat. Each person, regardless of their place of origin, vibrates with the music and connects with it. It is the universal language that unites us all.
By Elsa Galán October 11, 2016

I want to share with you what the Zentangle is: It is an active meditation that we can all do with drawings or patterns abstract where we get carried away by the strokes focusing on the here and now, in the activity that we are doing, plotting intuitively and spontaneous, without a previous idea and without thinking about the result.

The Zentangle starts from the following principles:

1) It is an act where it is so important to create it as the result.
2) Its design is not planned, it arises spontaneously and intuitively.
3) Its creation is deliberate but unexpected.
4) It is a celebration of the beauty of forms and life, it is liberating and healing.
5) It is timeless, simply use ink and paper.
6) It requires concentration, dedication, respect.

Its benefits and uses:

It calms and quiets the mind, it helps us to reduce our level of stress and it gives us serenity and harmony, besides activating the right hemisphere of the brain and favor the development of our creative abilities. It helps us improve the concentration. As a therapeutic use, it is a useful tool in the management of anger, insomnia, addictions, the development of self-esteem and behavior modification.

t helps inspire, solve problems, generate ideas. Simultaneously, when meditating, relaxing, we harmonize, create and develop our intuitive capacity and concentration and a beautiful artistic result that we enjoy when we finish what we draw.

It is a simple and fun practice. You do not need to know how to draw and you can perform at any age and at any time and place.

By Carmen Julia June 1, 2016
I do not have anyone to ask him why they gave me this name, so looking in various sources I found that Julia comes from Latin and means YOUNG.
By Elsa Galán April 10, 2012
We are a group of women and men who are in our golden age and were born in different places in Latin America. These places are beautiful towns and cities that live in our memory and in our hearts.
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