All participants were very enthusiastic coming to the place, and we started very punctual at 10 am with the explanation of Jerry and Ben, who explained the correct way to plant a tree.
Live and live we saw the equipment that was required: gloves, shovel, plant to sow, and pieces of wood to be placed around after sown. We saw how to make the hole, how to take the plant out of the plant to plant it, how to place the extracted earth in the spaces around the plant and the importance of making a ring around it with the pieces of wood and free close to the trunk from the tree so he can breathe.
100 small trees were waiting for us to be planted and together we managed to do it in the programmed space of 2 hours. We laughed, we took pictures, we sang, the arms and hands worked hard, we got hot, the sweat ran through the faces of the participants, we hydrated ourselves with a delight of water, in short, we enjoyed every moment.
At the end of the day we made a circle and holding hands gave thanks to all who participated in this "Second day of planting trees for life" and asked the Creator from the bottom of our hearts to bless every tree planted so that I grew up healthy and strong.
On Saturday, September 15 of this year, we will hold the third Sowing Trees for Life Seminar. We invite you to participate.

I want to share with you what the Zentangle is:
It is an active meditation that we can all do with drawings or patterns
abstract where we get carried away by the strokes focusing on the here and
now, in the activity that we are doing, plotting intuitively and
spontaneous, without a previous idea and without thinking about the result.
The Zentangle starts from the following principles:
1) It is an act where it is so important to create it as the result.
2) Its design is not planned, it arises spontaneously and intuitively.
3) Its creation is deliberate but unexpected.
4) It is a celebration of the beauty of forms and life, it is liberating and healing.
5) It is timeless, simply use ink and paper.
6) It requires concentration, dedication, respect.
Its benefits and uses:
It calms and quiets the mind, it helps us to reduce our level of stress and it gives us serenity and harmony, besides activating the right hemisphere of the brain and favor the development of our creative abilities. It helps us improve the concentration. As a therapeutic use, it is a useful tool in the management of anger, insomnia, addictions, the development of self-esteem and behavior modification.
t helps inspire, solve problems, generate ideas. Simultaneously, when meditating, relaxing, we harmonize, create and develop our intuitive capacity and concentration and a beautiful artistic result that we enjoy when we finish what we draw.
It is a simple and fun practice. You do not need to know how to draw and you can perform at any age and at any time and place.